The Ultimate Wildfire Defense
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With so many wildfires breaking out everywhere, it became obvious that something had to be done to help eradicate a potential problem before it happens. Therefore, Link Corporation executives put their heads together and came up with a great solution. Every Frontline system starts with a custom design, based on your home’s unique needs. We carefully layout exterior sprinkler placements to ensure complete hydration coverage of home ignition zone 0 and 1 (HIZ0 & HIZ1).

You may have a landscaped lot or acres of grassland, forest land, or heavy sage brush and oaks. The effectiveness of a sprinkler system is questionable when a neighboring home is burning since this would result in extended radiant heat and/or contact exposure to the home. Families using Frontline to plan for wildfire and protect their loved ones. Create an evacuation plan and prepare your home and your family for wildfire with easy-to-follow tips and checklists. With WiFi, cellular, and satellite connectivity, you can control your system from anywhere, even when the power is out. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.
Home fire sprinkler safety tip sheet
Alerts and notifications, so you know when to activate your wildfire system. The Firefree Exterior System has two parts, the intumescent retardant paint FfA, and the exterior-grade topcoat FfE. The system includes 10 gallons of the FFA base coat, and 5 gallons of the FFE topcoat.
If left untreated, old gas may gum up the carburetor and stall the engine. Regular fire drills should keep the gas from getting stale, but if the pump is unused for a year or longer, then the old fuel should be siphoned out of the tank and replaced with fresh fuel. The hoses can develop cracks over time especially if stored improperly or in spots where the hose is regularly crimped. Lay the hoses out each spring and check for cracks, or have a fire drill and see if any leaks appear.
Exterior Sprinkler Systems
National Fire Fighter Corp. is dedicated to supplying our customers in Oregon and across the country with the best supplies and services needed to protect against the dangers of fire. We provide equipment and services to suit both residential and commercial needs. Whether you’re a homeowner, landlord, or property manager, we have you covered. Landscape renovation is available when desired, i.e. weeding, replacing plants and ground covers with more fire resistant type species. Moreover, additional sprinkler zones can be integrated surrounding the property to keep it soaked as well during wildfires, creating its own damp microclimate.

We offer a variety of competitive financing options, and you can compare personalized offers from various lenders with no impact on your credit score. Monthly payments start at $200 per month and up, subject to the characteristics of the home and personalized financing options. Firefree 88 ("FF88") is a water-based, non-toxic, thin-film intumescent fire retardant and resistant paint fully tested to provide fire ratings required by the International Building Code for... Dec. 21—On paper, both Chestatee's boys and girls basketball teams recorded comfortable wins in their non-region doubleheader with Forsyth Central on Tuesday night at the Lynn Cottrell Center.
Exterior Fire Suppression Systems - Fire Protection System
Standard packages are available for what ever level of protection you need. Additionally, custom installation options are available to provide you with the specific wildfire protection for your property. Our expert staff can help you choose the system that is right for you.
Frontline Wildfire Defense® Systems is not a contractor licensed to perform installations in all states. Licensed contractors in each state will install Frontline Wildfire Defense® Systems. Connect with us today and we will help you get started with a Frontline roof sprinkler system for your home.
PrepareWhen a home is threatened by an interior fire, there are many safety measures set up to protect the average citizen, such as smoke alarms and fire sprinklers. When a home is overcome by a wildfire, however, there are few systems in place to protect it, besides the quick actions of dedicated firefighters. This high performance package features state of the art pump design, which delivers excellent performance. The pump unit utilizes a 4-stroke Honda GXH 50 engine with electric ignition and maintains high pressures, light weight and very easy starting. Offering a centrifugal clutch, the pump is easier to start, can be idled for warm up without water and provides for a detachable pump end for more reliability and quicker refits, if maintenance is required.

TheFOAMSAFEFireMaster™System is an automatic wildfire protection system that activates automatically when its fire sensors see a wildfire approaching from up to 1/2 mile away. It blankets a property with a safe, biodegradable foam that stops a fire in its tracks and prevents flying embers from starting spot fires on your property. It is available in three suggested levels of operation for your wildfire protection needs. The models below are suggested systems and can be customized to fit your specific property needs. The FireMaster System is designed to give you the protection you desire.
Fire sprinklers have ensured that small interior fires don’t grow, and are killed right from their source. Many studies have shown that, if fire sprinklers were used in more residential buildings, there would be less causalities due to fire. The invention of the outdoor fire sprinkler was dreamed up by an experienced firefighter, who has seen time and time again how quickly a fire can engulf a house. Darryl Pike, a firefighter of 15 years that worked in areas such as Alberta and British Columbia, had his hand in the development of the device, hoping to make wildfires more manageable for both homeowners and firefighters alike. This constricted stream USES LESS WATER and CREATES MORE POWER than any other garden hose nozzle.... Easily adjustable, durable, light weight and maintenance free combination nozzle.

All tubing is powder coated stainless steel, which helps keeps your nozzles working. Stainless also helps keep them from getting corroded and becoming clogged from all the different elements that can be found in water. Call today, and we’ll bring our extensive project experience and "Smart Wildfire Protection", to your door. Firestad™ is a new and innovative fire protection system designed to help protect homes from fire radiation and ember attacks during wildfires, ensuring your home is safe. Components are all super high quality, along with powder coated Stainless Steel piping and brass fittings, and is aesthetically pleasing. We offer our signature product called the FOAMSAFE™ System, which is the best wildfire protection system on the market today for both protecting your property with pretreatment, or suppressing an ongoing fire.
When telecoms gear makers Nokia and Ericsson leave Russia at the end of the year, their departure could steadily cripple the country's mobile networks over the long-term, setting off a deterioration in communication for everyday Russians. Don has over 30 years of fire protection and life safety industry experience. Don previously founded, owned, and operated Nexus Engineering. Nexus was highly successful and grew robustly over 27 years before merging with other companies to help form Jensen Hughes, the world's largest fire protection engineering company. The home fire death rate was 90 percent lower when fire sprinklers and hardwired smoke alarms were present.
Supercharge your home with supersonic WiFi faster than a Gig. Systems can be activated manually, remotely with phone activation or smart home technology, and via flame detectors. Receive information on our featured products and industry updates. 3/4" GHT full flow shut-off valve. Made of corrosion proof, glass fiber filled nylon.
Installing An Exterior Sprinkler System
Right now, in the midst of summer, our tanks are full, the pump is primed and ready-to-go, the hoses are connected and laid out to within 20’ of the house, with the nozzle and extra hose coils in place. A smaller ‘fast attack’ hose is attached to the main line for spot fires that may occur nearby. During a fire drill we had last week, I was able to get water on the house within 2 minutes. The system sprays more than enough retardant to protect your home including roof, exterior walls, decks, and surrounding landscape. Larger or multiple tank systems are available for larger properties, providing additional structure and perimeter protection.
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